Your solution for moisture repellency!
The BEST WAY YET to protect pellets from the weather!
Wild Game Feeds
Calf Creep and High Fiber Pellets
Pre Mix Pellets in Textured or Sweet Feeds
High Urea Pellets to Reduce Bridging
High Fat Pellets in Summer Prevents Weeping
Available 50 lb bags or 2,000 lb tote
Low Inclusion Pellet Binder
Uni-Bond ® – Water Repellent Binder
Product Description: A low-inclusion urea formaldehyde condensation polymer, which provides binding and weatherproofing. Uni-Bond is used in wild game feeds, premix pellets in textured feeds, calf creep feeds, range cubes and pressed blocks where improved weatherproofing is desired. Uni-Bond is also used as an anti-bridging agent in urea feeds. Use 1 to 3 lb per ton (0.5 to 1.5 kg per tonne); if currently using a urea formaldehyde binder, replace at equal economic rates.
There are many urea formaldehyde condensation polymers in the feed ingredient market that are diluted with low cost fillers to lower the cost per pound of binder. Uni-Bond is undiluted and shipped in a concentrated form to ensure maximum binding and water repellency when compared to other urea formaldehyde resin products on a pound for pound basis. Uniscope’s urea formaldehyde condensation polymer is manufactured in a FDA registered feed manufacturing facility. Many other urea formaldehyde condensation polymers are produced at industrial adhesive manufactures that also produce other types of chemical resins.
Do you need a moisture repellent binder?
Uni-Bond improves hardness, durability and moisture repellent properties of pellets, cubes or blocks. Uni-Bond is a low inclusion powdered pellet binder that is added at the mixing stage prior to pelleting.
International Feed Manufacturer CONTACT information
P.O. Box 1039 Johnstown, Colorado 80534
Let us know if you have any questions and we will get back with you as soon as possible.
Uni-Bond ® – Water Repellent Binder
Your solution for moisture repellency!
The BEST WAY YET to protect pellets from the weather!
Wild Game Feeds
Calf Creep and High Fiber Pellets
Pre Mix Pellets in Textured or Sweet Feeds
High Urea Pellets to Reduce Bridging
High Fat Pellets in Summer Prevents Weeping
Available 50 lb bags or 2,000 lb tote
Low Inclusion Pellet Binder
Product Description: A low-inclusion urea formaldehyde condensation polymer, which provides binding and weatherproofing. Uni-Bond is used in wild game feeds, premix pellets in textured feeds, calf creep feeds, range cubes and pressed blocks where improved weatherproofing is desired. Uni-Bond is also used as an anti-bridging agent in urea feeds. Use 1 to 3 lb per ton (0.5 to 1.5 kg per tonne); if currently using a urea formaldehyde binder, replace at equal economic rates.
There are many urea formaldehyde condensation polymers in the feed ingredient market that are diluted with low cost fillers to lower the cost per pound of binder. Uni-Bond is undiluted and shipped in a concentrated form to ensure maximum binding and water repellency when compared to other urea formaldehyde resin products on a pound for pound basis. Uniscope’s urea formaldehyde condensation polymer is manufactured in a FDA registered feed manufacturing facility. Many other urea formaldehyde condensation polymers are produced at industrial adhesive manufactures that also produce other types of chemical resins.
Do you need a moisture repellent binder?
Uni-Bond improves hardness, durability and moisture repellent properties of pellets, cubes or blocks. Uni-Bond is a low inclusion powdered pellet binder that is added at the mixing stage prior to pelleting.
Let us know if you have any questions and we will get back with you as soon as possible.
CONTACT information
P.O. Box 1039 Johnstown, Colorado 80534
970 587 4614